About Us

Rae of Light Ministries is an intimate spiritual organization dedicated to serving the evolution of human consciousness by facilitating a path to spiritual awakening for its members. Often, this path includes a process of healing and the releasing of known and unknown traumas in the body, mind, and spirit, which can lead to the realization of profound personal clarity and transformation.

Our facilitation of this path is intended to be an act of humble, sacred service, through the infinite source of divine love, for each and every soul with whom we are privileged to share this great work.

Rae of Light Ministries is a registered 508a non-profit FBO (Faith Based Organization).

Founder, Ordained Minister, and Curandera

Shellee Rae

Shellee Rae, author, “unTeacher,” and healer, has been working with people and supporting them in the healing process since 1998 when she became a Reiki Master. Subsequently, she trained to the master level in many other energy healing modalities, and became certified in numerous body-centered therapies. She also became a Deeksha giver in India in 2006.

In January of 2008, Shellee Rae awakened to a voice that said, “It’s time to write!” After the third visit from the voice, she wrote her first book,

Suffering ~ A Path of Awakening: Dissolving the Pain of Incest, Abuse, Addiction and Depression Suffering ,takes the reader on a 39-year journey through Shellee Rae’s life, from her childhood years as a victim of sexual abuse, through lengthy addictions to alcohol and drugs, into deep depression, and ultimately to the doors of death. In 1997, a suicide attempt brought Shellee Rae into 12-step recovery, sobriety, and emotional healing. After many encounters with several spiritual paths, teachers, and healing methods, in 2008, her kundalini spontaneously awakened and then months later she also experienced an embodied awakening. Since that time, she has written numerous books and has been guiding people in their own awakening process by gently pointing to the truth of who they are from the depths of her own realization.

One year after Shellee Rae’s awakening, she was out hiking and heard a word whisper within her, ‘Aya…’. She repeated it over and over until she returned home to research it. Through magical circumstances, Shellee Rae participated in her first Sacred Ceremony shortly thereafter. During her third ceremony, the plant sacrament whispered to her, “You are a medicine bearer.” Following that guidance, she did a year of work with the Santo Daime Church, while also working with three medicine guides, one being a Shipibo-trained curandero.

Shellee Rae’s work was blessed by her initial mentor, and she received her altar in 2012. With the support of many skilled assistants, she has been guiding ceremony ever since. Sacred Ceremony often accelerates the shedding of that which hinders the awareness of your Divine Nature. Working with this plant teacher has been a potent accelerant to the work Shellee Rae has been doing since 1998.

Guardian, Ordained Minister, Integration Guide

Mitchell Christian

Mitchell was born with a thirst to know. Being both sensitive in heart, as well as acutely aware of the depth of his yearning, his experience of this thirst was a unique challenge throughout his childhood and youth.

His yearning was not fully answered until he reached twenty-one years of age, at which time an inner volcano erupted within, and he had to know the answer to the burning questions, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” Soon after, he experienced an awakening which guided him to spend focused time with the Self, including ten years in an ashram, and another ten years participating in his teacher’s work. During this time, he lived a sheltered and blessed life. His heart opened to deep love and devotion, and he was able to share his open heart with many souls. As a result, he has come to know that the focus of his life is simply to deepen in the experience of living, a focus that continues to unfold, bathing him in love and gratitude.

Mitchell has also been a student of the teachings of Gangaji, the Santo Daime Church, and Waking Down. He is trained and experienced in Light Touch Healing and is certified as a Reiki Master by Shellee Rae. As a Guardian/Assistant in Sacred Ceremonies, Mitchell has been working alongside Shellee Rae since 2014. His work with Shellee Rae has been a great blessing, grounding his being while further opening his heart and inner Self in subtle yet profound ways. Mitchell serves as a financial director in the non-profit services industry, a position he has held for the last twenty-one years.

Integration Guide

Patty McLucas

In 2019, after many years of experiences with a varety of contemplative practices, the search for an awakened teacher led to Patty’s joyous discovery of Shelleerae and her first sacred ceremony. Within each subsequent ceremony she was gifted by Mamacita with profound spiritual shifts that continue to unfold, revealing a life of increased possibility, spontaneity and joy. Patty’s work with Shelleerae and Rae of Light Ministries is to support members in the realization of wellness and wholeness through gentle guidance in ceremony integration. When not supporting Rae of Light Ministries, Patty is devoted to sustaining her more than three decades of work in the field of embodied well-being. Patty is a mother, an avid hiker, a yoga enthusiast, and receives essential nourishment from art in all forms.

Integration Guide, Guardian

Albert Rivera

In 2018, I began questioning much of the conditioning that had shaped my life. I turned inward, starting a journey of self-discovery through meditation and exploring various healing modalities. In 2020, I connected with Shelleerae. Through mamacita, I gained deeper access to my spirit, my connection to the universe, and hidden parts of myself. This has been a profound gift, one that I now share with others. My work with Shelleerae and Rae of Light Ministries involves offering grounded, supportive presence in ceremonies and during integration. I’m also an artist, an avid hiker, and a breathwork facilitator.

Please Note: You must be a Rae of Light member to participate in any event