The purity of love that encompassed this past weekend is something I will never forget and for which I will always have an eternal well of gratitude. The magic you create and the magnificence with which you hold our tender, open hearts is something I had really longed for and could not really express.
The container you have created is impeccable, impenetrable, seamless, safe, and solid. The level of integrity and clarity of boundaries really led to a sense of safety and open vulnerability that I had never experienced before. That container plus that elixir, plus your divine presence… I am just blown away. My heart feels like it is still exploding!
The healing and work continues. There is a long way to go. This grander journey has been the greatest gift of my existence. I feel humbled that it found me and humbled to be a vessel for it all. I hope I can make this universe better in some way as I move through.
Your container begins before and expands into and far beyond:
I am so grateful for Anu’s grace, professionalism, availability, clarity, and kindness as I went through the intake process. And Mitchell, holding space, taking care of us, working with us energetically, and bringing full compassion to the weekend was truly angelic.
Shellee Rae is that rare Spiritual guide in whom the Awakened Presence glows with passion, grace, peace, confidence and a humility that exists only in those who have gone beyond the illusion of radical separateness. She lives in the fully-realized awareness of True Freedom, which has no external source or object.
She balances a deep compassion with the steady and potent awareness that you are not, in your Essential Self, the sufferer. This realization, she joyfully and effortlessly transmits—not just to your mind, but into your cells…
The space she provides is safe, loving and conducive to profound spiritual work and development.
During the past 15 years, I have been involved in a number of spiritual practices that have result in some significant personal growth. Working closely with Shellee Rae has been an accelerant for spiritual/personal growth. Insights into, and the release of, negative patterns that would normally take years to achieve through meditation or other practices have been gained very quickly through her ceremonies.
I was graced to have been able to recently attend another one of her weeklong retreats in Ashland, Oregon. It was well planned and the vegan food was delicious! – well-suited for the day’s activities. The space created throughout the week was one that fostered very close and intimate connections with the other participants. There was also the opportunity to do some significant internal work and releasing both during and after each of the individual ceremonies. The positive effects of the retreat are still resonating in my life.
Over the past two years, our work has led to a profound shift in consciousness. While working together in sessions over Skype, she revealed another dimension of the human experience and masterfully served as a guide in letting go of past traumas and the mind-based egoic self. Shedding toxic conditioned patterns of thought and behavior, I un-learned many things I once thought I “knew,” and my previous interaction with life, once governed by a constant sense of fear and anxiety, gave way to a new way of being with the world.
During the journey of my kundalini awakening, she has been a constant source of presence, love, support, and wisdom. Throughout the intense experiences associated with a full-body awakening, she continuously helped navigate the challenges. Embodying a deep sense of spacious awareness, her gentle and direct guidance serve as a compass back into being-ness; a oneness with your self.
Shellee Rae has had a deep and lasting effect on my relationship with each moment of life as it unfolds. Many search their entire lives for a spiritual guide like Shellee. I am grateful that my search led to her. Each person she touches will be impacted in their own unique way by the gifts Shellee offers this world.