Join Volleyball School - Level 1
Classes offered 5 days a week
Pick the classes that fit your schedule.
Affordable - Classes as low as $12
10:1 Player Coach Ration
Focus on developing ball control, passing consistency, agility, serve
Pre-paid passes good for up to 45 days
Start Today
This coach-led program is the perfect way to help your son or daughter build basic volleyball skills and gain confidence without the pressure of game play.
Volleyball School Level 1 teaches all of the core skills and prepares players for joining a team in a constructive environment.
Join Volleyball School - Level 1
Classes offered 5 days a week -
Pick the classes that fit your schedule.
Affordable - Classes as low as $12
10:1 Player Coach Ration
Focus on developing ball control, passing consistency, agility, serve
Pre-paid passes good for up to 90 days
Start Today
This coach-led program is the perfect way to help your son or daughter build basic volleyball skills and gain confidence without the pressure of game play.
Volleyball School Level 1 teaches all of the core skills and prepares players for joining a team in a constructive environment.
Classes Monday - Thursday 6-7PM, Saturday 10:00-11AM
Gain Confidence
Learn Serving, Passing, Setting, & Agility
Any 4 Classes within 30 days
Gain Confidence
Learn Serving, Passing, Setting, & Agility
Any 8 Classes within 60 days
Gain Confidence
Learn Serving, Passing, Setting, & Agility
Any 12 Classes within 60 days
Gain Confidence
Learn Serving, Passing, Setting
Improve Agility
PLUS 1 Serving Class