How My Clients are Adding $20k-$40k/mo Without Additional Marketing

Attention Service Providers, Coaches, & Consultants:

Want to know exactly what to say in your marketing so you can attract qualified prospects and close more deals...

Using the same proven process my clients have used to add an extra $25k-$45k of revenue within our first month of working together?

I have space for 3 messaging audits this month...

Here's the deal...

Your marketing functions very much like an ecosystem.

All the pieces (your website, social media, webinars, email campaigns, etc.) are interconnected.

When your marketing isn’t bringing in the right leads consistently, the problem is almost always a mismatch

between what you want to communicate in your marketing and how it’s being received.

You may simply be too close to see this mismatch on your own…

…Which is the whole reason I created this offer!

After writing copy for hundreds of service providers and coaches, designing websites, building funnels, and crafting webinar campaigns (collectively making millions of dollars, BTW), I have become an expert at identifying where marketing goes wrong and how to fix

Here's How It Works:

We will begin with a kick-off call where you get to dream big
and tell me about your dream clients and what services you're offering.

Then, I will put together target profiles to help me get into the mindset of the person you want to attract the most and can view your marketing through their eyes.

Next, you will send me everything you've got!

Your website, landing pages, follow up sequences, webinar slides, social media profiles etc.

If you're using it in your marketing I want to see it!

I get to work reviewing your materials and noting where the mismatches are in your messaging, what you're saying to turn your best clients away, and what steps are missing from The Buyer's Arc (from the webinar).

I bring all of this together into a document with suggested changes, and answer your questions on a debrief call.

You'll leave with a clear plan for what changes to your current messaging will bring you more leads along with suggested headlines and copy snippets.

Here are real results my clients are getting


Milana sold 7 annual subscriptions to her software without offering coaching as a part of the package - for the first time EVER. Allowing her to create truly passive income.


Within two weeks of implementing suggestions from her audit, Ana's conversion rate increased by 300% helping her successfully fill the group and giving her the confidence to raise her prices.


Sophia saved months (or years) of trial and error because she knew exactly why her offer wasn't converting and what she needed to fix on her sales page and marketing.

Ready to see what I can do for you?

If this sounds like you and you would like my insights on your messaging and how you could get more, qualified leads from the marketing you're already doing...

Schedule a free consultation to go over the offer details and if you decide to move forward we can get started right on the phone**

**The initial consultation is free to discuss the options available and whether working with me is your best next step. My offers start at $1500 for a "dip your toe in the water" package, or $1500-$2700/mo for ongoing services.

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