Momentum Accelerator For Entrepreneurs

This Personal Operating System Helped Me (and my clients) Reach The Inc 5000 List & Build Multi-Million Dollar Companies.


The Personal Operating System For Entrepreneurs

The Personal OS For Entrepreneurs Course contains step by step video instructions, tools, and resources, that will show you how to remove constraints and get into Momentum. so you can achieve maximum results in 2024. 

  • It will show you precisely how I protect myself from decision fatigue and build habits, so I’m able to perform at my best every day.

  • It’s going to completely transform the way you approach your day.

  • You’ll dramatically increase your daily output.

  • You’ll get insane amounts of clarity and focus in your business.

  • Plus, you might even discover that you’ll get more done in the first hour of your day than many people accomplish all day long.

Personal OS For Entrepreneurs

  • Momentum Equation Masterclass: This is custom to you. In this training, you will uncover your personalized Momentum Equation, so you can get unstuck and cultivate Momentum any time you want.

    VALUE: $397

  • Double Your Productivity in 2 Weeks: This toolkit will help you analyze where your time is being spent day-to-day, and help you find places where you can optimize and delegate.

    VALUE: $47

  • Personal Congruency 1: Lower Pressure and Noise - A comprehensive module focused on strategies to reduce stress and enhance focus. You’ll dramatically increase your daily output.

    VALUE: $249

  • Personal Congruency 2: Create Confidence, Clarity, and Commitment - You’ll get insane amounts of clarity and focus in your business and commit to outcomes so you can start achieving your goals at record pace.

    VALUE: $249

  • Momentum-Based Forward Planning: Will help you predict the future, so you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

    Value: $497

  • The Momentum Planner System™: The science backed flagship planner system designed to keep you on track to your goals every day. It’s going to completely transform the way you approach your day, and become more productive.

    VALUE: $297

  • Metrics and Measurement Masterclass: This tool that will help you identify (objectively) when you are achieving your goals, because what you measure you can improve. And when you improve your personal metrics, you will achieve your goals in less time.

    VALUE: $199

  • 3 x Physical Momentum Planners - You'll get 3 copies of the Momentum Planners specifically designed for Entrepreneurs, to get you into Momentum every single day.

    VALUE: $111

  • Get Into Momentum Community - A community of like-minded entrepreneurs committed to get support and share wins!
    VALUE: $997

Value: $3,043

Just $1,997 Today

+ Additional Personal Performance Bonuses:

  • How To Hire An Assistant - So you can get additional support and get your time back.

  • Natural Thirst and Hydration - My #1 training for maintaining Momentum day-to-day.

  • Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs - How to ensure you set your day for maximum success.

  • Evening Routine and Sleep - How to optimize your sleep so you don't feel chronically fatigued.

  • Tracking Personal Net Worth - Understand where you're at on the way to achieving financial freedom.

  • EMDR: Releasing Reactivity and Trauma - The top resource I recommend for entrepreneurs looking to overcome blocks.

These Bonuses alone are worth the price of entry, especially when you start feeling the difference of being hydrated during the day, and getting more sleep.

You're getting ALL OF THIS FOR ONLY $1,997. Less than the cost of a new 4K flat screen... 

And let's be honest, do you really need a new TV? 😉

If all you were able to is get your top 3 priorities done each day for 1 year... imagine what that could be worth in your business.

So what are you waiting for? 

Just click the button on this page and I’ll send it to you right away:

Prices Increase VERY SOON - Get Yours Now!

From the desk of Alex Charfen:

Dear Entrepreneur, 

Are you feeling…

- Stuck

- Plateaued

- Frustrated

- Overwhelmed

- Procrastinating

- Have to much to do

- Not moving forward...

- You don’t even know where to start?

For the first time ever I'm opening up the Personal Operating System specifically designed for Entrepreneurs.

We previously only had this program available in my highest level mastermind.

It will help you:

- Eliminate procrastination
- ✅ Understand where to focus

- Get clear on exactly where you want to go

- Know what’s going to move things forward

- Be able to get things done and get into momentum

This is the same system I developed for myself to help build in the personal habits necessary to get my business on the Inc 5000 list 3 years in a row.

But first, here’s what you need to know:

This is the only system built specifically for Entrepreneurs to increase productivity, build success habits...

... and tap into your Reticular Activating System for maximum results.

Up until this point you've likely tried dozens of planners, "productivity hacks" or systems that just didn't quite fit.

That's exactly where the Personal OS came from.

Because I found myself trying other systems, but none of them were quite right, and I had to make my own tweaks to make it work for me.

You don't have to do that anymore.

This system was scientifically researched and vetted by world renowned neuroscientist Dr. Robert Cooper, and it is built specifically for Entrepreneurs like you and me.

He reviewed the Momentum Planner System and vetted every aspect of the system. It uses the power of the Reticular Activating System to create habits of success and get into Momentum Loops.

Don’t believe me? Check out what some of our clients have to say ...

This was built for Entrepreneurs...

If you think about the problems that entrepreneurs are facing everyday, you’ll see that the problem, at its core, is about entrepreneurial habits... 

  • Their attention is pulled in a thousand different directions…

    But they aren’t really sure what to focus on.

  • They’re doing their best to hustle… Some entrepreneurs are pulling 12+ hour days, even working through the weekends…

    But they still aren’t getting enough done.

  • They’re wearing way too many hats… Everything from CEO, to accountant, to marketing director, to janitor…

    But all they have to show for this effort is exhaustion.

  • They spend most of their day putting out fires… Most of their time is spent dealing with emergencies instead of creating strategic long term growth.

    But there’s still lots of noise in their life.

Everyone from the team, to kids, to the news, to social media, to the family dog is competing for their attention. 

It’s almost impossible to keep up. 

Every entrepreneur knows what this feels like. 

This “friction” is precisely what prevents their business from getting any momentum.  

Even though they don’t know it, most entrepreneurs are operating without good habits; based in process, structure and routine…

Good habits create Momentum.

And will help you make the right decisions that will lead to growth. 

And this has a huge impact on their business... and life. 

That is exactly what The Personal Operating System is designed to help you with.

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So What’s The Deal?

Why Are Good Habits Important?

Let’s break this down: 

Better habits create Momentum.

Habits are your engine, that propel your forward.

And when you. have a system for habits....

You will...

  • Make decisions.

  • Stick to them.

  • Stay focused.

  • Get more done.

  • and Achieve long term goals.

Entrepreneurs use the Personal OS to stay disciplined and make smart, strategic decisions.

Sounds simple enough, right?

It can be…

This Is Spencer - " The Personal Operating System has literally changed my entire life..."

"Not just my personal life, but also my business, and my closest relationship that affects my every day mood. The relationship with my spouse.

I also want to say that I had a system before. As an entrepreneur I've tested a zillion different things but ... what's crazy about the Personal OS is it takes all the other things I'd tried into account... and then factors in business, personal and relationships."

I paraphrased some of what Spencer shares in his video...

However, if you listen to what he says, he describes exactly why entrepreneurs thrive in a system that embraces process, structure, and routine.

That is what the Personal OS helps you build in your life.

One quote I share often is...

Cell Phones Are A Thief!

Almost half of entrepreneurs -- approximately 14,263,000 people -- make this mistake every day. 

They open their eyes in the morning and immediately check their phone. And their device rapidly steals their willpower and creates decision fatigue.

When entrepreneurs check their phone first thing in the morning, team members are emailing and getting first dibs on precious time.

Social media is grabbing their attention with an onslaught of negativity from the news. 

Or, it’s distracting them with irrelevant information. 

Think about.

Before checking social media, thoughts start to surface:

  • “I wonder if there’s any new Instagram posts this morning?”

  • “I wonder how many Facebook notifications I have?”

  • “Did the photo I posted last night get lots of attention and likes?”

  • “I wonder what my crush from highschool is doing with their life today?”

All of this noise is overwhelming.

This immediately creates a state of reactivity. 

This is a fancy way of saying that other people are in control.  

The day’s agenda gets decided by OTHER people.  

And it’s extremely difficult to perform at a high level while living in reactivity. 

In fact, a lot of this reactivity is the cause for entrepreneurial anxiety, brain fog, and frustration. 

But having a morning routine feels immensely grounding.

It’s a powerful way to avoid getting into decision fatigue and reactivity. 

On top of that, the first hour of the day can make a profound impact on the outcome of the day. 

And here’s why…

"Process, Structure, and Routine Makes The Difference Between A Good Day… And A PHENOMENAL Day"

Prices Increase VERY SOON - Get Yours Now!

Once you go through The Personal OS

You will have the Toolkit to create Momentum anytime you want!

  • Identify and remove constraints that have been holding you back (even if you're not aware of them)

  • Have a plan on how you're going to achieve your goals.

  • Feel clear and know what to focus on a daily basis

  • Know your custom Momentum Equation. I can't tell you what yours will be, because it will be different from mine.

  • Find where your time is being spent, and identify things that may be slowing you down.

  • Have access to your own success metrics, and be able to track toward them on a daily basis.

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY... you'll have the Process, Structure, and Routine in place to ensure you remain in Momentum throughout the entire year!

This Is Why I go through The Personal OS quarterly

🔥 Once I’ve gone through the Personal OS content, I’m on fire! 🔥

I feel clear, and ready to take on my goals.

I know exactly what to do in my personal life and my business.

I am aligned with my future goals, and I've removed the constraints in my way.

And then I utilize the Momentum Planner System to stay in alignment throughout the quarter.

This is how I stay in MOMENTUM, and accomplish so much. I see others create decision fatigue, and procrastinate while, I’ve already gotten past the noise and friction in my mind. 

I create Process, Structure, and Routine, and know exactly what I'm doing...

And I’m productive for the entire rest of the day, month and quarter.

So often, people around me say:

“Wow Alex, You Get More Done In The First Hour Of Your Day Than I Get Done All Day!”

It’s true.

Just look around…

  • How many people struggle to stay lean and healthy?

  • How many people are getting rusty and falling behind on their education?

  • How many people have no plan and are completely disorganized?

  • How many entrepreneurs are unhappy?

  • How many people achieve success but grow detached from their family?

Not me.

Now you may have one reservation which I encounter all the time…

Some People Think That A Morning Routine Takes Too Much Time

And in a way, they aren’t wrong. 

See -- if you start a morning routine without the right system, it’s going to feel like it’s hard work. 

It’s going to feel almost impossible to make the habit stick. 

And this is because you’re setting up the system incorrectly. 

In fact, you’re probably setting up your morning routine in a way that INCREASES your decision fatigue. 

Because you need to create a system that’s simple, easy to follow, and that gives you the minimum effective dose. 

Otherwise, you’ll quickly abandon it. 

Once you get started in the RIGHT way

Your brain learns to operate more efficiently. It discovers shortcuts. 

And before long, you’re able to reduce the time it takes to get ready in the morning by 70 or 80 percent. 

Again, this isn’t an exaggeration. 

I’ve tested this unique morning routine system over and over again. 

On myself, my kids, and my clients. 

At this point, I’m able to point to hundreds of people who have used this system to create a routine that they’ve been able to stick to for YEARS.

I’ll Show You How To Do It With The Personal OS For Entrepreneurs

Here's What's Included...

The Personal OS For Entrepreneurs Course contains step by step video instructions, tools, and fill in the blank resources, that will help you remove constraints and get into Momentum, so you can achieve maximum results in 2024. 

  • Momentum Equation Masterclass: This is custom to you. In this training, you will uncover your personalized Momentum Equation, so you can get unstuck and cultivate Momentum any time you want.

    VALUE: $397

  • Double Your Productivity in 2 Weeks: This toolkit will help you analyze where your time is being spent day-to-day, and help you find places where you can optimize and delegate.

    VALUE: $47

  • Personal Congruency 1: Lower Pressure and Noise - A comprehensive module focused on strategies to reduce stress and enhance focus. You’ll dramatically increase your daily output.

    VALUE: $249

  • Personal Congruency 2: Create Confidence, Clarity, and Commitment - You’ll get insane amounts of clarity and focus in your business and commit to outcomes so you can start achieving your goals at record pace.

    VALUE: $249

  • Momentum-Based Forward Planning: Will help you predict the future, so you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

    Value: $497

  • The Momentum Planner System™: The science backed flagship planner system designed to keep you on track to your goals every day. It’s going to completely transform the way you approach your day, and become more productive.

    VALUE: $297

  • Metrics and Measurement Masterclass: This tool that will help you identify (objectively) when you are achieving your goals, because what you measure you can improve. And when you improve your personal metrics, you will achieve your goals in less time.

    VALUE: $199

  • 3 x Physical Momentum Planners - You'll get 3 copies of the Momentum Planners specifically designed for Entrepreneurs, to get you into Momentum every single day.
    VALUE: $111

  • Get Into Momentum Community - A community of like-minded entrepreneurs committed to get support and share wins!

    VALUE: $997


These trainings have changed my life and you're getting it today for $1,997.

An effective planning system could easily be worth many thousands of times that.

So what are you waiting for? 

Just click the button on this page and I’ll send it to you right away:

Just $1,997 Today

Prices Increase VERY SOON - Get Yours Now!

What People Are Saying About Us

Gabe Arnold
I do the Personal OS every month now..

Paul T.
Helped me lead my team effectively!

Holly Ockstadt
I have waken the Monaco w/n me...

Aarin Chung
Everything is now calm.

Christopher Barrow
Looking forward to breakthroughs!

Andrea Maxim
I thought it a dream...

Kyle Robbins
You can truly depend on systems.

AJ Silvers
Something is definitely working

Jose Urias
This has been a great awakening.

Dre Baldwin
Like a breath of fresh air.

Elizabeth Rachel
I'm learning so much!

Marley Jaxx
My dreams come true.

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What Are You Going To Accomplish Tomorrow?

Before we part ways, I’m going to leave you with one last piece of advice.

Success isn’t some grand event.

It comes from thousands of tiny habits repeated over a long period of time.

What you do each day counts. 

And this is great news. 

Because, if you don’t like the way your life looks today, you don’t have to make a major shift. Just a few daily habits can make all the difference in the world.

But you have to take action.

Otherwise, nothing’s going to change.

And after having worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs from all walks of life, I’m here to tell you that NOTHING can have a bigger impact on your results in life than your habits.

Process, Structure and Routine is everything.

So what are you going to accomplish tomorrow?

With new habits, you could be one step closer to the life you dream of.

So why not start today?

Click the button below and you'll get instant access to the Personal OS for Entrepreneurs.

Prices Increase VERY SOON - Get Yours Now!

I’ll see you on the next page,

 -Alex Charfen

P.S. The Personal OS for Entrepreneurs helps you remove constraints, get clear and Get Into Momentum. The secret lies in avoiding decision fatigue, guarding your willpower, and building empowering habits.

This is the secret weapon thousands of entrepreneurs are using to get amazing results every single day. 

What about you? Are you in?

Prices Increase VERY SOON - Get Yours Now!

Charfen™, ©2023+ All Rights Reserved

12400 W Hwy 71, Ste 350-330, Austin, TX 78738